My best friend and I joke around about having a Ball Party...everything is in a shape of a ball. We laugh so hard because she can spout off ball recipes like the guy on Forrest Gump. We will one day have this party and we will have a "Ball Of A Good Time."
My friend Cindy and I just love getting into this conversation. At a garage sale she was having, she was spouting off names of balls and she had to run in the house to get to the bathroom. She left me alone and this very handsome man showed up. Of course I was laughing so hard the I tried to explain to him the reason for my laughing. To say the least I was so embarrassed and mortified. I mean it was one of those laughs where I couldn't breathe. Too funny!!
Hi Kimi! I laughed when I read your intoduction! Too cute!!!! I want a party like that too! Thanks for including my recipes in your book.... love it! xo
cookbook. :)