It's All About Macaroni Salad

Created May 2018
It's All About Macaroni Salad
Megan Stewart
My Grandma Robinson loved to make salads when the family got together, hers was always potato salad first, then macaroni salad. I smile every time I think about helping make these yummy side dishes!
Lovingly Compiled by
Megan Stewart [GSMegan]

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sherry monfils - over a year ago
Thank you for including my recipe for Easy Summer macaroni salad. It is the 1 I go to for an easy 1 so I don't spend all my time in the hot kitchen! Enjoy!
Diana Perry - over a year ago
Thank you so much for including my Hawaiian Potato Macaroni Salad recipe in your cookbook. I hope everyone who tries it will enjoy as much as my guests and friends have in the past! Mahalo!