Rainy Day Cooking

Created June 2012
Rainy Day Cooking
Kimi Gaines
It has been raining here for the last 5 days. It has been mean to some and others just a slow soaking. Replenishing the ground, making the plants recoup from the dry soil, filing up the lakes. Cooking during rainy days is relaxing to me. In this cook book I will gather up comfort food. The ones you want to crawl up in a blanket and drink tea or coffee and read a book. Or the soup that warms up the body. I find peace in the rain, that's why I think you will love this book.
Kimi Gaines [kimijo]

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Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
Your welcome Colleen...:)
Colleen Sowa - over a year ago
Thank you Kimi for including my recipe in your wonderful book... xo
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
Nancy J. Patrykus - over a year ago
thanks Kim..
You are a sweetheart..
an angel ... sent to me...HUGS
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
I have had my share of rude people and they just try to take your joy...but they can't cause Jesus resides there. That's all we can do is be a light in the darkness. Kisses...Kimi
Nancy J. Patrykus - over a year ago
Thanks sweetie...for your comment...
I will do that.. I had a hard time sleeping..
till I said a prayer..for her....... She was very rude!!
HUgs Nancy
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
I* love all your cook books...they are fun and I enjoy looking at them and I am even honored when you use one of mine!!
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
Wow...I wonder if it is the same lady that told a friend and I that we should stop talking to each other about our lives and stick to the recipe. I would send that post to the Kitchen Crew. We do not make any money of of the books. I have only met a few rude people on the site. The Kitchen Crew will nicely tell her how the cookbook thing works. I'm sorry she was so mean...Just have to pray for her...she just must be an unhappy soul... Love ya Nancy...
Nancy J. Patrykus - over a year ago
Kimi...Have you run into any problem using .
.recipes on J.A.P. in your cookbooks????

I received a very heated E-Message....
Gist of ..
To stop using her recipes..and making money on her recipes.....!!!! that she will make her own cookbook..
HA! like what money....there is no money for us!!!
What would you do ???
Has this happened to you???? nancy
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
you are so welcome...busy girl making all your soap & such. I need a hobby!! Been praying on it...
Doreen Fish - over a year ago
Thanks Kimi for using my recipe!!Love it!
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
Nancy I love making them...lots of fun...
Nancy J. Patrykus - over a year ago
Thanks Gail...I just finishe
# 45 Vermont..
...7 cookbooks today.....WOW!!
Thanks for the comment...Nancy 6/27/12
Kimi Gaines - over a year ago
thanks girls...
Gail Welch - over a year ago
Kimi, thanks for including a couple of my recipes. I LOVE the cover of this book and I LOVE rainy days and nights as long as I can stay home and enjoy them. I,too, like to cook on rainy days making comfort foods. You put together a wonderful collection of recipes perfect for a relaxing rainy day.