Chocolate filling

#5 of 5 fillings that I am posting..
(5) 1 rating

Cinnamon Cream cheese filling

#4 of the 5 fillings I am posting.. this would be so good as a filling in...
(5) 1 rating

Strawberry Cream Filling

#3 of the 5 fillings I am posting...
(5) 1 rating

Praline Filling

#2 of the 5 fillings I am posting..
(5) 1 rating

Pastry Cream Filling

While surfing the internet for recipes..I came across a site and found 5 different fillings for...
(5) 1 rating

Cora's Raisin Cookies

I had never really been fond of raisins until I found this recipe in the newspaper...
(5) 4 ratings

Oreo Cookies dipped in Chocolate and Mint cookies

I have done this for some time now, and have given it as suggestions on other...
(5) 2 ratings

Grecian Party Squares

You want an appetizer that is YUMMY..then this recipe is for you!! I wish I had...
(5) 2 ratings

Chocolate Chip Ice cream Cookie Treats

These are basically any flavor cookie with an ice cream filling..too look like an ice cream...
(5) 3 ratings

Popcorn Cookies

I must say I have NEVER heard of popcorn cookies. I saw this recipe and...
(5) 2 ratings