Zephra's Faux Mead

This mead was made by "Zephra" for each sabbat Since we were a family bases coven....
(5) 1 rating

Backberry Salad for Litha

For a Litha feast. In honor of the Soltice season
(5) 2 ratings

Best banana shake anywhere

This recipe is not only great for diabetic's but is a wonderful Chemo patient shake. But...
(5) 2 ratings


This is another wonderful Litha salad. It celebrates the freshness of the new life springing forth...
(5) 2 ratings

Litha Fruit Salad with Maple dressing.

I made this for the "Circle of Seekers Coven" on Litha 2009. It went over very...
(5) 2 ratings

Menstrual Pain Brew

For 8 days before, and during menstruation, drink 3 cups every 24 hours. Drink hot or...
(5) 1 rating

Skullcap Tea

Makes a very tasty tea! But be warned the tea makes you sleepy and the more...
(5) 2 ratings

easy lavender rice pudding

once you try lavender rice pudding you will forget about the old fashioned kind. This doesn't...
(5) 2 ratings

Amaretto Cream Liqueur

this is a great gift for those people who drink. It is wonderful blended with ice...
(5) 1 rating

Amaretto Cocoa Mix in a Jar

this cocoa is a pleasure when you take it on a camping trip.
(5) 1 rating