31 posted recipes have been Pinched 4,713 times!

Dutchs Easy~Easy Christmas Cookies

While these are extremely easy, I never seem to get them right and I follow the...
(5) 2 ratings

Dutch's EASY-EASY Apple Crisp (Microwave)

I envy all those that have access to REAL cooking apples! Pies, tarts etc. in Japan...
(5) 2 ratings

Dutch's Easy-Easy French Dressing

During the 40~60s, my Grandparents ran a road-side Restaurant-Bar with the quaint name of "Chick-Inn". Their...
(5) 1 rating

Dutch's EASY-EASY Porketta

A chance comment on a Pot Roast recipe by "Deneece" about how it made her think...
(5) 11 ratings

Dutch's Easy-Easy Steamship Round of Beef or...How to feed 400+...

First get together a group of Japanese Dentists and Dental Hygienists. Although there's over 200 in...
(5) 1 rating

Dutch's EASY-EASY Creamy Fruit Pie

Always looking for something lower in calories/fat and still tasting good, I tried making pies like...
(5) 1 rating

Dutch's EASY-EASY One Bite Pork Cutlets

This is a dish much beloved by Japanese and almost any foreigner that ever tries them....
(5) 1 rating

Grandma's BBQ Potato side

This is a recipe I have been serving at BBQs for over 25 years. I tried...
(5) 2 ratings

Dutch's EASY-EASY (?) Pig

I was encouraged by seeing a bunch of pictures of Deneece's and had wanted to post...
(5) 2 ratings

Dutch's EASY-EASY Hungarian Goulash

In my never-ending quest for things that taste GOOD and are easy, I found this Hungarian...
(5) 6 ratings