Vegan multiseed crackers - Lazy Cat Kitchen

"Happy New Year everyone, hope you managing to keep your spirits up despite continued, pandemic-related doom and gloom. UK hopes of things returning slowly to a semblance of normality after the introduction of the vaccine have been dimmed by another, at least 7 weeks long, country-wide lockdown. Oh and don’t even get me started on Brexit… I’m trying my hardest not to dwell on the state of the world but channel my energy into things I enjoy and which are good for me: cooking, yoga, running, meditation and true ..."

2 tbsp ground flax seeds (I use golden flax)
120 g / 1 cup raw sunflower seeds
140 g / 1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
17 g / 2 tbsp white sesame seeds
1 tbsp nigella seeds (adds onion-y flavour)
¼ tsp black pepper
¾ tsp fine sea salt
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp crushed dry rosemary*
2 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
18 g / 2 tbsp rice flour (any flour should do!)
30 ml / 2 tbsp oil (I used olive oil)**
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