"Ultimate is not something that I throw around lightly, especially for vegan brownies. I've had my share of vegan and regular brownies and been baffled by how lacking vegan versions are. Growing up on my Grandmother's brownies, I learned that a good brownie should be dense, fudgy and soft; not light, cakey and dry. Why is it so hard to emulate a traditional brownie recipe that simply consists of a few simple ingredients? Hint: it's due to the egg, which emulsifies, binds, slightly leavens then bakes up as part of the actual base of the brownie itself. To emulate this takes an expedition deep into the innards of brownie science, oh and for me, about seven years of failing until figuring this out. Vegan brownies need extra special attention paid to flavor and texture I started by emulating two eggs with water and golden flax meal. I then added some baking soda to the flour to emulate egg's subtle leavening tendencies. Cocoa powder along with semi-sweet chocolate and espresso powder allows the complex chocolate flavors to truly shine. I tested these brownies with canola oil but later settled on Vegan Butteror margarine because it allowed the flavor to mingle and slightly evolve along the flavor profile, rather than diminishing in a downward spiral which was the case with canola oil. This is why chocolate baked goods with canola oil rarely match up to chocolate baked goods with Vegan Butter or margarine. In order to make dense, soft vegan baked goods like brownies and cookies that are similar to their egg-laden counterparts, the dough must be extremely thick because the egg is not going to be there to bake into the base of the baked item and act like flour. Thus, you have to add extra flour so it can take over for the egg. The result of this vegan brownie R&D is a dense, fudgy, soft brownie with a complex chocolate flavor. Don't forget to use these brownies in Vegan Double Chocolate Brownie Chunk Ice Cream. Ultimate Vegan Brownies Recipe 3 Tablespoons water 2 Tablespoonsgolden flax meal 1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour ¼ teaspoon baking soda 7 Tablespoons cocoa powder 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, chopped into ½ inch pieces 1 teaspoon instant espresso powder ¾ teaspoon salt ¼ cup boiling water 1 ½ cups sugar 6 Tablespoons (80 grams)Regular Vegan Butteror non-hydrogenated stick margarine, melted (not tub margarine) 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract ½ cup walnuts, chopped (optional) 1) Prepare the flax meal, your oven and your baking dish In a small mixing bowl whisk together the water and flax meal. Let it sit for about 10 minutes so the mixture gets goopy. Place your oven rack on it's lowest position and preheat your oven to 350F. Line an 8 x 8 inch baking dish with parchment paper allowing excess parchment paper on opposite sides so you can pull the brownies out of the baking dish later.(function(){var d=window,e=document,f="documentElement",g="scrollTop",k="prototype",l="body",m="getAttribute",n="",p="1",q="data",r="img",s="load",t="number",u="on",v="onload",w="pagespeed_lazy_position",x="pagespeed_lazy_replaced_functions",y="pagespeed_lazy_src",z="position",A="relative",B="resize",C="scroll",D="src",E=function(a,b,c){if(a.addEventListener)a.addEventListener(b,c,!1);else if(a.attachEvent)a.attachEvent(u+b,c);else{var h=a[u+b];a[u+b]=function(){c.call(this);h&&h.call(this)}}};d.pagespeed=d.pagespeed||{};var F=d.pagespeed,G=function(a){this.d=[];this.a=0;this.b=!1;this.n=a;this.e=null;this.i=0;this.j=200;this.c=!1};G[k].r=function(){var a=0;typeof d.pageYOffset==t?a=d.pageYOffset:e[l]&&e[l][g]?a=e[l][g]:e[f]&&e[f][g]&&(a=e[f][g]);var b=d.innerHeight||e[f].clientHeight||e[l].clientHeight;return{top:a,bottom:a+b,height:b}};G[k].m=function(a){var b=a[m](w);if(b)return parseInt(b,0);var b=a.offsetTop,c=a.offsetParent;c&&(b+=this.m(c));b=Math.max(b,0);a.setAttribute(w,b);return b}; G[k].q=function(a){var b=this.m(a);return{top:b,bottom:b+a.offsetHeight}};G[k].p=function(a,b){if(a.currentStyle)return a.currentStyle[b];if(e.defaultView&&e.defaultView.getComputedStyle){var c=e.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a,null);if(c)return c.getPropertyValue(b)}return a.style&&a.style[b]?a.style[b]:n}; G[k].o=function(a){if(!this.c&&(0==a.offsetHeight||0==a.offsetWidth))return!1;if(this.p(a,z)==A)return!0;var b=this.r(),c=a.getBoundingClientRect();c?(a=c.top-b.height,b=c.bottom):(c=this.q(a),a=c.top-b.bottom,b=c.bottom-b.top);return a<=this.a&&0<=b+this.a}; G[k].l=function(a){this.k(a);var b=this;d.setTimeout(function(){var c=a[m](y);if(null!=c)if((b.b||b.o(a))&&-1!=a.src.indexOf(b.n)){var h=a.parentNode,H=a.nextSibling;h&&h.removeChild(a);a.g&&(a.getAttribute=a.g);a.removeAttribute(v);a.removeAttribute(y);a.removeAttribute(x);h&&h.insertBefore(a,H);a.src=c}else b.d.push(a)},0)};G[k].loadIfVisible=G[k].l;G[k].t=function(){this.b=!0;this.f()};G[k].loadAllImages=G[k].t;G[k].f=function(){var a=this.d,b=a.length;this.d=[];for(var c=0;cc.j&&(b=0);c.e=d.setTimeout(function(){c.i=(new Date).getTime();c.f();c.e=null},b)}};E(d,C,h);E(d,B,h)};F.lazyLoadInit=F.s;})(); pagespeed.lazyLoadInit(false, "//1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.gstatic.com/psa/static/1.gif"); 2) Whisk together the four and baking soda In a medium mixing bowl whisk together the all-purpose flour and baking soda. Set aside. 3) Mix the vegan brownie dough In another medium mixing bowl add the cocoa powder, semi-sweet chocolate, espresso powder and salt. Add the boiling water and using a spoon, mix in the ingredients into a paste, making sure that all of the chocolate pieces are melted. Add the sugar, Vegan Butter, vanilla extract, flax meal mixture from Step 1 into the chocolate mixture and mix with an electric mixer until smooth. Stir in the walnuts if you're using them. Using a spoon, mix in the flour until well combined. The mixture will become extremely thick and you may need to use your hands to mix. Refrain from mixing this dough with an electric mixer at this point; this will overwork the dough and activate too much gluten, negatively affecting the texture of the brownies. 4) Transfer the brownie batter to a baking dish and bake to perfection Transfer the batter to the baking dish. You may need to use your fingers or a spatula to press the thick dough into place. Bake for 35 minutes on your oven's lowest rack. Transfer the baking dish to a wire cooling rack and allow it to cool for about an hour. 5) Allow the vegan brownies to cool completely Transfer the brownies to the wire rack by lifting them out of the baking dish by taking hold of the exposed parchment paper on each side. Allow them to cool completely before slicing into squares. This recipe makes one 8 x 8 inch baking dish of Ultimate Vegan Brownies.A big thanks goes out to (never home)maker for the above picture. Get a price on theOrganic, Fair Trade Certified Cocoa Powder I Recommendat Amazon. pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.overrideAttributeFunctions();var pb_ord = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000000001);googletag.defineSlot('/15704463/Veganbaking.net/homepage/btf_lt',[[300,250]],'div-homepage-btf_lt' + pb_ord ).addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.pubads().enableSyncRendering();googletag.enableServices();googletag.display('div-homepage-btf_lt' + pb_ord); Vegan Hazelnut Coffee Ice Cream Category: Vegan Ice Cream Recipes 0.0 (0) Vegan Sweet Potato Pecan Ice Cream Category: Vegan Ice Cream Recipes 0.0 (0) Vegan Banana Walnut Ice Cream Category: Vegan Ice Cream Recipes 0.0 (0) Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream Category: Vegan Ice Cream Recipes 4.7 (14)..."