Turnip Kimchee

"Turnip Kimchi As some of you, who know me in real life and who read the blog regularly, know, I..."

4 pounds purple top white globe turnips (peeled, washed and diced in 3/4 inch pieces)
2 Tablespoons sea salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
6 cloves garlic (minced)
1 teaspoon fresh ginger (grated (use a ginger grater or a microplane zester))
4-5 stalks spring onion or garlic scapes (chopped (I had garlic scapes on hand, so that's what I used))
1/4 cup fish sauce ((use a version safe for you, or substitute with soy sauce, soy sauce substitute, or more of the radish liquid))
1/3 cup Korean red pepper flakes
1/3 cup juice from turnip mixture ((explained below) )
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