#superfood Recipes

This delicious oatmeal packs a superfood protein punch!

Superfood Oatmeal

Carey Falter avatar
By Carey Falter
Adding these protein packed superfoods balances out this carbohydrate heavy breakfast. The concoction of flavors ...
From Instagram: Not the PRETTIEST but dang if it ain't delish! #matchaorganics and #chia pudding recipe on my blog. https://instagram.com/p/6lLp0gD8AL/

Super Fast & Filling Green Tea And Chia Pudding

Julie Ann Keene avatar
By Julie Ann Keene
I like to keep bags of frozen fruit for an easy way to add vibrant ...
forgot to take a picture of the quinoa alone!  
I'll post another picture later.

Quinoa (cooked In Garlic-chicken Broth)

Susan Din avatar
By Susan Din
This is a perfect accompaniment to fish, chicken or even to make into a salad. ...