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#cocktails Recipes

Watermelon Sunshine Vodka Martini

Nor Mac avatar
By Nor Mac
I created this Martini. The orange and agave syrup add a lot to a simple ...
(1 rating)

Clear Gummy Bear (cocktail)

Vickie Parks avatar
By Vickie Parks
This recipe comes from my son who used to work in a restaurant in San ...
(1 rating)

Arubian Colada

Nor Mac avatar
By Nor Mac
I love to play around with drink ingredients. I decided to call this one The ...
(1 rating)
grapefruit cocktail

Grapefruit Ginger Sparkler (cocktail)

Renae McVay avatar
By Renae McVay
I love pink grapefruit juice and this is one of my favorite cocktails! Just right ...

Orange Mango Martini

Nor Mac avatar
By Nor Mac
I had a drink similar to this a while back. I didn't quite know what ...
(1 rating)
Poinsettia Champagne Cocktails are perfect for holiday parties or any time of year.


Donna Graffagnino avatar
By Donna Graffagnino
What an easy and delicious holiday cocktail, but of course it's good all year long.

Nor's Coffee Coconut Almond Cocktail

Nor Mac avatar
By Nor Mac
This is a great dessert drink,or any time drink. I decided to do some experimenting ...
(3 ratings)

Nutty Mudslide Cocktail

Nor Mac avatar
By Nor Mac
I just came up with this one. It is very good. Yummy! If you like ...
(1 rating)

Peppermint Patty

Nor Mac avatar
By Nor Mac
Nice holiday drink or winter drink. Chocolate and peppermint together is yummy in this cocktail.

Rhubarb Simple Syrup

Deb Crane avatar
By Deb Crane
Rhubarb is one of my favorites, and in my searching for alternative uses for a ...
(1 rating)

Homemade Kahlua/tia Maria

Deb Wilson avatar
By Deb Wilson
Use this as an after-dinner liquer or in White or Black Russians. As good ...
(1 rating)

Party Punch

Deb Wilson avatar
By Deb Wilson
This can be alcohol free for a kid's party or not for adults. A very ...
(1 rating)


Bonnie Cramond avatar
By Bonnie Cramond
I found this on Stumble Upon, so I don't know the origin. The note ...
(1 rating)

Bloody Mary Pickle Skewers

Patti Jagodzinski avatar
By Patti Jagodzinski
These pickle skewers were so expensive in the store, I thought with my experience in ...
(1 rating)

Kahlua Liqueur Homemade & Ez

Betty R avatar
By Betty R
I use to make this all the time back in the early 80's around the ...
(1 rating)

Bacon Swizzle Sticks!

Allison Hazell avatar
By Allison Hazell
Found this on "Punchfork" and thought it was a great idea for Bloody Marys! Who ...
(2 ratings)
This Kaluha was perfect for a baby shower where everyone had to drink their Kaluha from a baby bottle...first one done, won the prize :)

Keri's Kaluha ( A Version For The Kids Too)

Keri Morales avatar
By Keri Morales
Oh my, this took a while to perfect as I don't drink caffine or do ...
(1 rating)

Candy Cane Cocktail

Tracey Black avatar
By Tracey Black
I received the drink recipe from a friend. It makes a nice refreshing cocktail ...
(1 rating)
This is such a fantastic summertime drink. Enjoy it as an adult beverage while relaxing by the pool.

Rosemary-citrus Champagne Cocktails

Melissa Etheridge avatar
By Melissa Etheridge
Aromatic rosemary is infused into this refreshing, sparkling drink.
(1 rating)

Diy Sour Mix

Barbara Kavorkian avatar
By Barbara Kavorkian
If you know you will have people, you can make the sour mix ahead of ...
(2 ratings)

Mock Blueberry Fizzy

Barbara Kavorkian avatar
By Barbara Kavorkian
I just love this drink. I came across it this past summer while trying ...
(2 ratings)

Mock Raspberry Champagne

Barbara Kavorkian avatar
By Barbara Kavorkian
This is a wonderful drink to ring in the new year, or for holidays, weddings ...
(2 ratings)
Apple Martini

Apple Martini

Debbie Henderson avatar
By Debbie Henderson
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(1 rating)