#birds Recipes

Nutty my friendly Nuthatch can't wait for me to put it in the feeder.

Easy Peanut Butter Suet

Dorthy Erlandson avatar
By Dorthy Erlandson
This is a basic recipe for Peanut Butter Suet for our feathered friends. You ...
this is what the oat pulp will look like when you have drained all the milk from it

Suet Cake From Oat Pulp For Sqiuirrels

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
I have been making a lot of oat milk lately. In fact we have been ...

Homemade Wild Bird Feeders With Seeds, Nuts And Dried Fruits

Kim Campbell avatar
By Kim Campbell
I have a deep love for wild birds and enjoy bird watching and feeding the ...

Drunken Rabbit, Quail Or Pheasant

Peggi Anne Tebben avatar
By Peggi Anne Tebben
Where I live, we eat alot of wild game. Being tired of the same old ...