Spaghettieis - Spaghetti Ice Cream Sundae from Germany

Spaghettieis - Spaghetti Ice Cream Sundae from Germany was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Created in Mannheim, Germany, by an Italian, spaghetti ice cream has been a German specialty since the 1960s. Pressing vanilla ice cream through a potato ricer creates "noodles", strawberry sauce looks like tomato sauce and coconut or white chocolate shavings plays the Parmesan cheese roll. A very cute sundae that will bring out the kid in everyone. Serves 4..."

1 lb. fresh strawberries, washed and hulled
2-3 T. orange juice
1/4 c. sugar, divided
1 c. whipping cream
4 c. softened vanilla ice cream
2-3 T. white chocolate shavings or coconut shreds
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