spinach & egg soup made with swiss chard

Recipe by
Margaret Frye
Columbia, MO

This is a combination of two worlds, sautéed swiss chard and chicken soup stock. It's easy to prepare and highly nutritious.

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yield 4 -6
prep time 40 Min
cook time 1 Hr 30 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For spinach & egg soup made with swiss chard

  • 2-3 qt
    chicken soup stock
  • 2 bunch
    swiss chard
  • 1 clove
    elephant garlic
  • 1 md
  • 1
    handful of parsley
  • 1/2 - 1 c
    carrot juice
  • 2
    roma tomatoes
  • 1-2 pinch
  • celery if you're in the mood
  • dry white wine: chablis, soave, sauvignon blanc - whatever your preference
  • 2
  • grated italian cheese (romano, reggiano)

How To Make spinach & egg soup made with swiss chard

  • 1
    I guesstimated prep and cook times because it all depends on where you start from. It's quicker if you're pouring your stock from a box than making it from scratch, which depends on how long you like to simmer your stock for as well as how long you like to simmer your soup for.

    Prep and cook time vary.

    Prepare or pour soup stock into pot. (I used a 3-quart size) Let simmer.
  • 2
    Sauté / cook down swiss chard: spray skillet with no-stick, cover bottom of pan with olive oil, cut up an onion, clove or two of garlic (elephant garlic is my favorite) and place in pan. Wash and cut up chard, add to pan. Cover and let cook down - first get it going with medium heat, then turn it down to low heat and cover.
  • 3
    While the stock is simmering and the chard is cooking down grab another skillet and scramble 1- 2 eggs. When done put aside.
  • 4
    When stock is simmered to satisfaction, and chard is cooked to perfection, add chard, carrot juice, white wine to taste (don't skimp), onion, garlic, tomatoes, celery (optional), parsley, and salt to stock. Turn the heat up to medium. Bring to a bubble stirring occasionally. Then turn it back down to simmer. Add egg and let simmer at least 30 minutes to an hour or how ever long you prefer

    The ingredients cooked in with the chard added to the ingredients of the soup compliment each other superbly.
  • 5
    Serve with grated cheese (I recommend Reggiano) sprinkled on top. This soup is light, healthy - loaded with vitamins and iron - enjoy!