a milk & vegetable soup an old farm recipe

Recipe by
Nancy J. Patrykus
Spokane, WA

This soup is in honor of my Grandma. This would have been her birthday month.
Milk vegetable soups are made from cooked vegetables (chopped or sliced) and with milk slightly thickened.
The vegetables could be peas beans, carrots, potatoes, onions and spinach or a diced tomato,if you have it.
If the vegetables are starchy, use less flour or thin soup with milk. I hope you enjoy Grandma's simple soup as much as I do.
Seems like she always had a pot of soup,keeping warm in the oven. In case a neighbor stopped by.
Some day I plan to do a cookbook of her recipes.
Nancy. June 2, 2013

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yield serving(s)
prep time 30 Min
cook time 10 Min

Ingredients For a milk & vegetable soup an old farm recipe

  • 4 c
  • 2 Tbsp
  • 2 Tbsp
  • 1 dash
    salt to taste
  • 1-1/2 c
    of your choice of veggies that you have pre-cooked, and cut up small.

How To Make a milk & vegetable soup an old farm recipe

  • 1
    Thicken the milk with butter and flour
    as for white sauce.
    Add this to a pot.
  • 2
    Add your choice of the vegetables,
    that has been cooked and chopped up,
    to the milk sauce.
    Heat gently, add another dab of butter,
    and chow down.
    Now is the time for hot baking powder
    biscuit's right from the oven.....YUMMY!
  • 3
    Grandma got hers from her garden,
    in the summer time.
    Come winter she would go down into her cellar
    bring up the jars of the vegetables
    that she wanted to use.
    Also the winter vegetable bin,
    for potatoes, and a few root veggies.
    In the fall she was like squirrel,
    putting away food for the winter months.
  • 4
    Or if there is a farmers market close to you.
    I urge you to buy fresh.
    Your soup will taste so much better.
    Plus you're taste buds will jump with joy!
  • 5
    Of course you could always use canned,
    from the stores.
    SHHhh@..Grandma would not like that,
    but she would, pray for you.
    Picture is of my grandma,
    JOANN WALKER a great but simple cook!
    I know she is in heaven
    teaching the angels how to cook!
    That's MY GRANDMA!
    She taught WW2 wives how to cook
    and can produce at a school!
    That was the days of victory gardens.
    I swear she could make a meal out of a sows ear!
    This wonderful soup is her recipe.