oriental egg drop soup... my version

Recipe by
Nancy J. Patrykus
Spokane, WA

I don't know why it is called a egg "DROP" soup.
The eggs are whipped and slowely poured into the hot broth. This make egg "SHREDDS", when stirred in one direction only, as I watched oriental people make it.
If you turn both directions the eggs clump! YUK!
This is a extra quick and a very satisfying soup, great if you are in a hurry.
Also on a snow day, or for what ails you!

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yield 1 -2
prep time 5 Min
cook time 5 Min

Ingredients For oriental egg drop soup... my version

  • 1 can
    chicken broth
  • 1-2
  • 2-3 sprig
    green onions
  • 1 dash
    white pepper

How To Make oriental egg drop soup... my version

  • 1
    Open can of chicken broth, put in a pan, and heat.
    Whip your eggs (1 or 2). I use two,with a drop or two of water..in a measuring cup, so it will pour easy and slowely into the hot broth.
    Important that you stir eggs in one directions only!
  • 2
    Have your green onions chopped and ready to put into the hot soup, as soon as the eggs are cooked, and the pan removed from the stove.
    Add your white pepper to your taste...
    This is deliches this way...but if you want color..add a few cooked and diced carrots. ETC
    This is an afternoon snack, or an evening sipping
    Especially when it snows...