white chocolate popcorn

Recipe by
Wyndi Roberts
Monument, CO

This popcorn is SO yummy and may be your new favorite find! It makes a perfect gift at Christmas for friends, co-workers, teachers. I was almost strung-up one Christmas for not getting the "Family" batches made. I was ushered into the kitchen to make it while we all chatted. It's also great in a gift basket for visitors...left in their room or hotel with other goodies and bottled water. ENJOY! **Don't skip the shaking part to remove kernels...**

yield 4 -6
prep time 10 Min
cook time 10 Min

Ingredients For white chocolate popcorn

  • 2 1/2 pkg
    natural microwave popcorn, popped (regular size bags)
  • 1 pkg
    12 oz. white chocolate chips
  • 6 oz
    (3 squares) white almond bark, chopped
  • 1/4 c
    peanut butter, smooth
  • 2 lg
    paper bags

How To Make white chocolate popcorn

  • 1
    Prepare bags by folding the top of one down about 1/3 of the way. Prepare 2 large sheet pans by lining with wax paper
  • 2
    Pop bags of popcorn in microwave. I pop 3 bags, but only use about 2 1/2 if they fully pop. As each bag is finished popping, dump into first bag and shake to drop un-popped kernels to the bottom. Then lift the popcorn out and place in folded-down bag. Repeat until all popcorn is popped and in the final bag.
  • 3
    Next, place white chocolate chips and chopped white almond bark in a medium, microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 45 seconds; remove and stir (chocolate will be mostly UN-melted at this point); Continue to melt in 15 second intervals until you can stir it smooth. Stir in peanut butter.
  • 4
    Begin drizzling the chocolate over popcorn, and using a large, stiff spoon or spatula stir, stir, stir to coat the popcorn. Once this step is complete pour onto lined cookie sheets to allow to dry for about 30 minutes. Store in airtight containers or zip-lock bags.