pickled peppers

Recipe by
Irisa Raina 9
New Iberia, LA

While this seems like a wee bit of work, its really worth it in the end. We use these peppers, in soups, stews, sauces, salads, Mexican dishes, egg dishes, etc….

You’ll have some brine left over; I freeze it for another use.

Don’t throw away the garlic, put it in a container and use it in other dishes.

These are best when they have sat for at least a month.

This will yield 2 quarts.

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yield serving(s)
method Canning/Preserving

Ingredients For pickled peppers

  • 8 fresh garden peppers
  • 1 & ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 10 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • ¼ cup kosher salt
  • 6 large cloves garlic
  • 1 -12 ounce jar pickled jalapenos with juice
  • 1 -1.8oz. pouch bread and butter pickle mix “i used ball”
  • 6 fresh hot peppers of your choice “divided into ½ ”

How To Make pickled peppers

  • 1
    Wash & dry the peppers.
  • 2
    Cut the peppers into strips
  • 3
    Bring the vinegar, water, sugar, kosher salt to boil. When it has come to a boil add B & B mix, turn it off and add the whole garlic. Let this cool for about 10 minutes, remove the garlic “saving for another use” and cool the brine completely.
  • 4
    Now in a large bowl or baggie, put the peppers and vinegar brine in it.
  • 5
    Refrigerate the peppers over night.
  • 6
    The next day wash and sterilize your canning jars and lids.
  • 7
    Bring the brine to a simmer, and while the mason jars are still hot from being sterilized, put three of the fresh peppers into the bottom of the jars, add the sliced peppers and then add the remaining fresh peppers and then pour the brine over the peppers, about ½ inch from the top.
  • 8
    Make sure you wipe the rims clean and you release any bubbles. Put your lid and rings on.
  • 9
    Bring your water to a simmer and slowly add the jars. When the water has come to a boil, start timing “depending on your altitude” is how long you’ll boil them. Once they have been processed for the correct amount of time turn off the stove and let the jars sit in the hot water for at least 15 minutes before you remove them. Make sure you hear a ping from each jar when you remove them and they start to cool.
  • 10
    Once these have sat in the pantry for at least a month put them in the refrigerator and get them icy cold…and enjoy!