green grotto salad.. (ann page) 1949

Recipe by
Nancy J. Patrykus
Spokane, WA

A & P states:
The Secret of a deligfhtful salad is in the dressing....
I found this recipe in the Reminisce Magazine, yesterday while waiting to have my car breaks checked.
I remember the recipe from long ago, and my mother-in-law always added drained crushed pineapple to this recipe...This is a 1949 recipe from A&P 1949 it was for them the 90th year of service. 1859-1949!!
In 1949 it would have cost you less than 20 cents a serving!
WOW! That would be 53 years ago...MERCY!

read more
yield serving(s)
prep time 10 Min

Ingredients For green grotto salad.. (ann page) 1949

  • 1 pkg
    green jello....lime flavor...(ann page)
  • 1-3/4 c
    boiling water
  • 3 Tbsp
    vinegar....(ann page)
  • 1 c
    chopped celery
  • 1/4 c
    chopped stuffed olives (ann page)
  • 1 c
    chopped cucumbers
  • 1 can
    (7 oz.) tuna fish flaked......drained
  • 3/4 c
    mayonnaise or salad dressing....(ann page)
  • lettuce and a dash of salt

How To Make green grotto salad.. (ann page) 1949

  • 1
    Pour boiling water on lime gelatin.
    STIR till dissolved.
    Add salt, vinegar, chopped celery
    and chopped olives. MIX.
    Pour 1/2 of gelatin into a mold.
    Chill until firm.
  • 2
    To remaining gelatin stir in chopped cucumber, tuna fish and mayonnaise. Set aside, till bottom is firm..
    Pour on top of firm gelatin in the mold.
    Chill until firm.
  • 3
    Un mold onto salad greens.
    Serve with (Ann Page) salad dressing or mayonnaise.
    Radishes on the side look very nice.