grilled samosa sandwich

Recipe by
Seattle, WA

Saw a recipe using a potato & spice mash for a grilled sandwich filling, so I will be trying the spices in my samosa filling (along with the potato and green peas that normally go in my samosas.) I love my samosas, but wrapping and frying them is very labor intensive. This sounds like a good alternative.

The original that gave me the idea is from quora dot com/Sandwiches/What-is-your-favourite-easy-to-make-sandwich#ans1790797

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Ingredients For grilled samosa sandwich

  • Some
    cooked potato
  • Some
    oil, butter or ghee
  • Some
  • Some
    cumin seeds
  • Some
    garam masala
  • Some
  • Some
    chopped cilantro
  • Some
    lemon or lime juice
  • Some
    frozen peas
  • slices of bread

How To Make grilled samosa sandwich

  • 1
    Heat the spices in oil, then mash in the potato, & salt & lemon juice to taste. Mix in peas. Some people who have the gene that makes cilantro taste like bleach or soap, find it tastes better well cooked. If you are one of those people (I am), try cooking the cilantro with the rest of the spices, or if you like it fresh, add with the peas.
  • 2
    Spread potato mash on bread, and grill as sandwich
  • 3
    This recipe is still in theory stage. I will update once I've tried it, or you can let me know if you experiment with it!
    Update: See below in comments section