stewed oysters...."first lady" martha washington's recipe

Recipe by
Nancy J. Patrykus
Spokane, WA

This recipe appeared in
The Washington State Centennial Cookbook "VINTAGE VITTLES" 1989
This recipe has been passed on and on..... and on to me.
A very old recipe, you can tell by the language.
I think it is time to share, and pass it on again.
Martha married Col. George Washington in 1759 who was to become the Father of our country and our first American President. Martha of course became our very first "First Lady"
She was said to personally supervise the kitchen staff, and all her recipes were hand written by her.

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yield serving(s)
prep time 15 Min
cook time 15 Min

Ingredients For stewed oysters...."first lady" martha washington's recipe

  • oysters
  • whole onion
  • whole peppers
  • whole mace
  • butter
  • sifted ginger

How To Make stewed oysters...."first lady" martha washington's recipe

  • 1
    "Take ye oysters, open and pick them very clean and save ye liquor out of them, when you open them set them on scylett of water and make them boil, but not to fast, then put in ye oysters, and make them boyle up you take them and put them in a cullander and poure cold water on them, this is to pump and keep them from shrinking in there own liquor. Add as much water as will cover them, or put to ye liquor white wine put in butter and garnishin ye rooms of water, put in a whole onion some whole peppers and whole mace, when you serve them up, put in butter and garnish yer dish with butter and sifted ginger on toast."

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