pico de gallo wisconsin style

Recipe by
Carolyn Haas
Whitewater, WI

What people in the upper midwest consider hot, as in spicy, is considered mild in the southwest. So consider what your heat tolerance is and use the jalapeños accordingly! In fact, I've made this with no jalapeño at all for some of my friends with more delicate palates!

yield 2 cup(s)
prep time 20 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For pico de gallo wisconsin style

  • 1/2 c
    finely chopped onion - white, yellow, or red
  • 1-4 tsp
    finely minced jalapeno peppers, seeds and membrane removed
  • 2-3 Tbsp
    lime juice
  • 1/2 tsp
    salt, to taste
  • 3/4 lb
    ripe tomatoes (Roma work well)
  • 1/4 c
    minced cilantro (about 1/2 bunch - although bunches seem smaller this year than previously!)

How To Make pico de gallo wisconsin style

  • 1
    Combine the onion, jalapeño, lime juice and salt in a serving bowl. Let it marinate for while you chop the tomatoes and cilantro.
  • 2
    Add chopped tomatoes and cilantro to the onion mixture. Add the salt, taste and adjust if necessary.
  • 3
    This is best eaten the day you make it, but it will keep a few days in the fridge.
  • 4
    NOTES: - Parsley can be used instead of cilantro for those who don't like it. - You may squeeze some of the juice/seeds out of the tomatoes if they seem super juicy. - If you're not sure about heat, start with the lesser amount of jalapeno - or skip it entirely.