pam's mock hollandaise sauce

Recipe by
Pam Ellingson
Wichita, KS

Mother used to make this when we had Broccoli or she would serve it with steamed asparagus or other veggies, but the most common use I make of it is for Eggs Benedict. Hubby LOVES eggs benedict so I do make them but I hate those yucky package mixes for hollandaise sauce. Try this one and I bet you will never go back to the "pack". :)

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yield serving(s)
prep time 5 Min
cook time 5 Min
method Microwave

Ingredients For pam's mock hollandaise sauce

  • 1 part
  • 1 part
  • to taste
    lemon juice, fresh

How To Make pam's mock hollandaise sauce

  • 1
    In a small microwaveable bowl, melt the butter and let cool. Mix in mayonnaise (NOT Miracle Whip) and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to taste. Whisk together until smooth. If it is too thick, warm slightly or add a tiny bit of hot melted butter and rewhisk. Serve over anything savory. (My option)
  • 2
    If you like cauliflower or broccoli with lemon and butter, try it with this sauce, topped with some shredded cheddar. It is soooooo yummy. Or use it for any recipe calling for Hollandaise sauce.