bonnie's homemade herb and spices from the colonel

Recipe by
BonniE !
Cottonwood, CA

Yes, we do love his chicken don't we? Move over Colonel, we can make it, too!

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yield serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For bonnie's homemade herb and spices from the colonel

  • 1
    tablespoon rosemary
  • 1
    tablespoon oregano leaves
  • 1
    tablespoon powdered sage
  • 1
    tablespoon powdered ginger
  • 1
    teaspoon marjoram
  • 1 1/2
    teaspoons thyme
  • 3
    tablespoons brown sugar, packed
  • 3
    tablespoons dry minced parsley
  • 1
    teaspoon pepper
  • 1
    tablespoon paprika
  • 2
    tablespoons garlic salt
  • 2
    tablespoons onion salt
  • 2
    tablespoons powdered chicken bouillon
  • 1
    package lipton tomato cup-a-soup mix

How To Make bonnie's homemade herb and spices from the colonel

  • 1
    Place all ingredients in blender with on/off speed for 3 to 4 minutes to pulverize, or rub through a fine strainer. Store in an airtight container so it will not lose potency.
    Makes about 3/4 cup.
    To use with flour, add 1 ounce mix to 1 cup of flour for coating chicken.