carne asada marinate & carne asada

Recipe by
Valerie Butler
Marana, AZ

Carne Asada is one of the best most flavorful steaks you can have. This is a mexican dish. You can buy the cheapest cuts of meat and come out with total YUM! After marinating you BBQ it on the grill. Here. . . after it is done we do part medium and part well done. When hubby brings it in I cut it all up in small pieces and we make tacos and burros with it. Totally Awesome! I had to do a lot of research to find the right recipe with a few twists of my own. It comes out just right and the closest to the real deal! Hope you enjoy it as much as we all do!

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yield serving(s)
prep time 20 Min

Ingredients For carne asada marinate & carne asada

  • 3/4 c
    red wine vinegar
  • 1 bottle
    beer, any kind will do (like 12 to 16 oz.)
  • 1/2 c
    extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 c
    lime juice
  • 1 can
    frozen orange juice ( made up)
  • 2
    limes, (seeded & quartered) if real small 4 limes
  • 1
    orange, sliced sort of thin
  • 2 clove
    garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 3/4
    onion, coarsely chopped
  • 4
    green onions, coarsely chopped
  • 3/4 tsp
  • 1/2 tsp
    chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp
    coarse ground pepper
  • 1/4 tsp
    oregano, ( i use mexican ground oregano)
  • 1/4 tsp
    kosher salt, ( any salt will do, i have a garlic sea salt grinder and use that)
  • 4 sprig
    cilantro, ( i use about 1/4 t. dried) cut up the leaves, no stems
  • meat tenderizer

How To Make carne asada marinate & carne asada

  • 1
    Mix all your ingredients minus the fruits together. I use a whisk.
  • 2
    Quarter your limes, take out the seeds if you can and squeeze them into the marinade and then drop them in. Slice your orange sort of thin, get rid of the seeds, squeeze them in the marinate and add them as well. Stir well.
  • 3
    I am going to explain what we do for the carne asada. Take your meat, should be thin cuts of beef. Put it on a cutting board and put some meat tenderizer on your meat and use an actual meat tenderizer on your meat. Most use a hammer like tool, I personally have a tenderizer with what looks like 20 or 30 nails coming out of it. I use that all over the meat. Then I turn the meat and do the same thing to the other side. I continue doing this till I have done all the meat.
  • 4
    First. . . the picture to the left is my tenderizer, I love it to death, lets the marinate go in the meat better. I have the marinate made before I do all this. Now you can use a 2 gallon bag, (which I normally do, but was out) or you can use a container that will hold it all. As I finish the meat, and get ready to do the next I had the meat to the marinate.
  • 5
    When all the meat is in the marinate I make sure the marinate is all over it. Sometimes I put marinate in the container, add some steaks add more marinate and so on till it is all in there and then pour the rest of the marinate on top. That is what I did here in the pictures.
  • Carne Asada Marinate With Steaks In It!
    You want to put this in the fridge and marinate for 4 hours to overnight. You need to go in every so often and move it around, and make sure the marinate is over all the meat. This pictured is going to marinate overnight. I will then post pictures of the steaks cooked, and then cut up for tacos, burros or whatever we choose to use it for.
  • 7
    Here is the meat off the BBQ, half well done and half medium. Any juice after I cut it up will be added to the container of meat, so we can heat it for a minute in the microwave with a paper plate over it. Just to warm it up, no more.
  • 8
    Here is the meat all cut up and heated and ready for the tacos and burros! See the tacos all made up? At alot of our restaurants they serve the Carne Asada with quacamole in their tacos and burros, and a bunch of pico de gallo. Personally, I add my Caliente Chiltepin Salsa! This is sooo good! Sure hope you enjoy it!