strawberry lavender & honey freezer jam

Recipe by
Kim Campbell
Youngstown, OH

Among all the strawberry freezer jam I made last month I made a batch of this jam too and it is very delicious. Now, you have to enjoy lavender in order to appreciate this delicate flavor added in with the strawberries. I used the dried lavender and rehydrated it as suggested. So the little flower buds are sprinkled throughout the jam. I also did a Strawberry Vanilla but all my family & friends who tried the two jams chose the lavender over the vanilla. So, I thought I would post in case someone might want to try a unique tasting freezer jam.

I found this recipe on the internet.

I hope you enjoy.

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yield 5 - 6 pints
prep time 15 Min
method Canning/Preserving

Ingredients For strawberry lavender & honey freezer jam

  • 4 c
    strawberries, chopped
  • 1/2 c
    honey, good quality
  • 1/2 c
  • 5 oz
    dried lavender or 1 - 2 sprigs fresh lavender
  • 1 pkg
    fruit jell

How To Make strawberry lavender & honey freezer jam

  • 1
    Have at least 2 pints of fresh strawberries. Take them out of packaging and lay them flat. Pick out the bad strawberries and then let them breath till you are ready to use them.
  • 2
    Rehydrate lavender by adding a small amount of water in a bowl to your lavender. Sitr and let sit for a minute. Drain, set aside.
  • 3
    Wash off strawberries in cool water and then place on a paper towel covered tray. Hull the strawberries and then slice them into a bowl. Now mash them with a potato masher for a few minutes until desired consistency. (I have read that some people choose to chop them in a food processor, but we like ours a little more chunky).
  • 4
    Now, measure out your 4 cups of strawberries. I prefer to use a measuring cup that can measure 4 cups as to be more precise. Place them in into the bowl.
  • 5
    Mix pectin and sugar together until incorporated. Add to mashed strawberries. Add honey (microwaving honey if necessary to get it thin enough to pour). Stir for 3 minutes. Add lavender and lightly stir.
  • 6
    Ladle jam into clean freezer jars and let stand 30 minutes. (If any jam gets on the sides of the jars, clean them off before placing into the freezer.)
    When filling jars, leave about 1/2 inch headspace to allow for food expansion during freezing.
  • 7
    Now, you can place them into freezer or enjoy a jar of strawberry freezer jam now.