salt pork gravy old farm recipe

Recipe by
Nancy J. Patrykus
Spokane, WA

A J.A.P. friend, Roxie P. requested this "Salt Pork Gravy" recipe. After enjoying my "Creamed Tuna Pea Wiggle" recipe.
This gravy was a staple breakfast on the Curl family Indiana farm.
They raised hogs, and did the're own butchering.
Grandpa always save the special parts when butchering to make "MOUNTAIN OYSTERS' !!
This gravy goes on top of potatoes, toast and Homemade Baking Powder biscuits!!..YUM!!

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yield serving(s)
prep time 20 Min

Ingredients For salt pork gravy old farm recipe

  • 1 lb
    package salt pork,.. lean as possible.
  • 3 Tbsp
  • 2 c
  • pepper

How To Make salt pork gravy old farm recipe

  • 1
    Cut up the salt pork into about 1/2 inch thick strips.
    Put into a large skilllet and cover with cold water.
    Bring to a boil.
    Drain and rinse well with cold water.
    Now fry the salt pork on medium high untill both side are crisp.
  • 2
    Remove the salt pork and drain most of the fat from the pan.
    Add 3 Tablespoons of flour, and stir and brown lightly.
    Slowely add the milk while stirring to make a milk gravy.
    Add the fried salt pork, and pepper generously.
    It has it's own need to add.
  • 3
    Roixie you might want to check out my
    "CRACKLIN BREAD" Recipe.....made with salt pork!

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