coca cola salad

Recipe by
Barbara Williams
Perkins, GA

Fun summer salad

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method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For coca cola salad

  • 1 pkg
    3 oz. raspberry jello
  • 1 pkg
    3 oz. cherry jello
  • 12 oz
    cold coca cola
  • 1 can
    16 oz. dark red cherries
  • 1 can
    20 oz. crushed pineapple
  • 1 c
    chopped pecans
  • 1 pkg
    8 oz. cream cheese frozen

How To Make coca cola salad

  • 1
    Drain juice from fruits and add enough water to equal 2 cups. Heat this to a boil and dissolve jello in it. Then add cola, cherries, pineapple and pecans. Grate frozen cream cheese over the top and place in refrigerator to congeal.