Sacrilegious Swiss Fondue

Sacrilegious Swiss Fondue was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"My other half has a Swiss heritage. I wanted to do something for Christmas Eve that reflected that for our toddler, and a friend on a discussion board elsewhere mentions that every year they have a fondue. That was it! A fondue...and when I looked for recipes I found two crockpot recipes. This fondue was obviously meant to be - I could use my crockpot! So I combined the two recipes I had. And to top it off, I could use the fondue forks inherited from my mother who had never used them for an actual fondue and which dated from 1976. So when my partner sees what's for dinner, he laughs..."Hey, where does your friend live...Canada?". Ummm, yes. Calgary actually. Where it snows... Did I mention that we live in the tropics? In 30 deg C/ 90 deg F plus heat? We sat around in shorts and singlet tops (and my toddler in even less) with the ceiling fans turned up pretty high. Okay, so I will concede that wasn't exactly traditional Swiss lol. And I got told that fondues are traditionally accompanied by copious amounts of white wine. We had used Chateau Cardboard for the recipe so in lieu of wine, we drank beer. Good beer. Australian James Boag and NZ Monteiths actually... The sacrilege came when I noticed that the cheese had separated out a little so I got the eggbeater out and gave it a quick whisk with that... And there is NO Kirsch. I went to a Swiss French club 'Fondue in the Snow' meeting with the in-laws and did not see anyone use Kirsch. Therefore it must be okay ;-)...."

1 clove garlic
1 1/2 lbs cheese, grated (I used an aged cheddar, gruyere and some mozzarella all of which were cultured with non-animal renne)
3 tablespoons flour
2 1/2 cups dry white wine (eg riesling)
1 teaspoon dry mustard
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