Really Juicy Chicken Breasts with Garlic Spinach

Really Juicy Chicken Breasts with Garlic Spinach was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"This slightly, or perhaps very, obscure way of cooking chicken breasts is based on the recherché restaurant technique of cooking sous-vide. This is the rustic take on the method, which, when you do it properly, involves a water bath maintained at a temperature a little higher than you might want to bathe in. The idea is that the meat or fish is poached very, very slowly, and then finished in a frying pan, giving you the best of both worlds: an exceptionally tender and succulent interior without sacrificing the crisp outside. — Anne Bell, Low Carb Revolution : Comfort Eating for Good Health...."

2 1/2Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1Pound spinach, washed and dried
4 free-range chicken breasts, skin on
6Cups chicken or vegetable stock
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 cloves garlic, peeled and finely sliced
1-2 finely sliced medium-hot red chile
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