Pecan Pie Upside-Down Cake

"We love upside-down cakes, and this unbeatable combination of pecan pie and upside-down cake is no exception. Brown sugar, melted butter and pecan halves are mixed together and spread in a cake pan, which then gets topped with a sweet Bisquick™ batter, baked, and drizzled with a powdered sugar-milk glaze. The end result is a gooey pecan pie layer that sits atop a fluffy—yet dense—cake, instead of a pie crust. This dessert is a wonderful treat for fall (or all year-round for pecan pie lovers!) and tastes espe..."

1/3 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon water
1 cup pecan halves
1 1/2 cups Original Bisquick™ mix
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 to 3 teaspoons milk
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