Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Cookie Bars

"If you're looking for a classic (and pretty!) flavor combination, try our Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Cookie Bars. This soft oatmeal cookie bar is made with Betty Crocker™ oatmeal cookie mix while sweet and creamy white chocolate is drizzled on top, and sweet, tart and slightly chewy dried cranberries and more white chocolate are stirred into the dough. Quick and fun, this cranberry-oatmeal cookie bar recipe will add extra flavor to your cookie tray...."

1 pouch (17.5 oz) Betty Crocker™ oatmeal cooki
Butter, water and egg called for on cookie mi
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 bar (4.4 oz) white chocolate, coarsely chopp
3/4 cup dried cranberries
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