magick's most famous sign ~ the pentagram

Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

Talk to almost anyone and they have seen and heard of the pentagram. They are used to adorn a door or other place but they are also used in involking and banishing spells usually by inscribing candles.

The picture on the left is made from a grapevine.

Many Pagan, wiccans and people of other simular crafts have been know to wear these signs as talsmans.

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Ingredients For magick's most famous sign ~ the pentagram


How To Make magick's most famous sign ~ the pentagram

  • 1
    To invoke:
    You draw a invoking pentagram in the air, on a candle or on paper to bring energy to you. You can also use it to invoke the energies of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. To do this you follow the diagram along side. Starting at the top #1 then follow the picture.(Never lift your pen)
  • 2
    To banish, You draw a invoking pentagram in the air, on a candle or on paper to push negative energy away from you. You start in the lower left quarter and follow the diagram. (Never lift your pen)
  • 3
    The meaning behind the pantagram is different depending on your teachings. Earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Here is the added signs for each.
  • 4
    another use including the stages of life with the signs. Spirit (birth), water (wisdon), fire (Mother), earth (Crone) and air (Death)
  • I made this one to hang on my front door . It's been there now for almost 7 months
    Carrie made one for her doorway. Be ever mindful of how you make your pentagram will it bring good things to you or banish them. Always visualize good coming to you or bad being banished then start your pentagram accordingly.

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