Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

Non-Edible Recipes

From homemade soaps and beauty products, to crafty ideas for kids and pets… These recipes aren’t for eatin’, but they’re addictive just the same!

Aquiring Energy Or Personal Power

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
You need energy - power to do spell work. This power is stored within your ...
(1 rating)

Energy And Spell Work

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Energy is what everything is made of. It willingly lends it's self to you when ...
(1 rating)

Cutting Board Safety

Star Pooley avatar
By Star Pooley
Wondering about the best kind of cutting board to use to help avoid a food-related ...
(1 rating)

Beef & Chicken Safety

Star Pooley avatar
By Star Pooley
Food poisoning is no joke! Ensure yours and your family's safety when cooking.
(1 rating)

Paczki, Our Male Schnoodle

Kim Biegacki avatar
By Kim Biegacki
Well, this is our little puppy that we got most recently from Windy Hill Kennel. ...
(4 ratings)

A Witches Power

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Where do they get their power? Witchcraft encompases three sides of belief or a cone of ...
(1 rating)

In Memory Of Baby Butt

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Born in our wood pile by a stray cat. the mother must of nursed him ...
(2 ratings)

In Memory Of Dilly (son Of Pickle)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Dilly was our first rat. He was a rescue. A swimmer and loved scratching Cody-lu's ...
(1 rating)

Jon's Love "molly"

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Molly is a Black lab that My daughter adopted when she moved in with Jon. ...
(2 ratings)

My Beautiful Boy Ace :o)

Wendy Schwab avatar
By Wendy Schwab
Ace is the kindest, gentlest, sweetest dog. I love him to pieces and don't ...
(2 ratings)

Demon Of Tranquility

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Demon of Tranquility. Son of Cody-lu Lord of the Winds and Cheyenne Autumn Empress of ...
(2 ratings)

Cody-lu Lord Of The Winds

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Cody was bought from a pet shop in Colorado. He is now almost 10 years ...
(2 ratings)

In Memory Of Crystal Meraw

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Crystal was bought from an adopt a pet at a local store in Michigan. She ...
(1 rating)

In Memory Of Bella

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Bella was only on this earth 6 months but she left a mark that will ...
(1 rating)

Ziggy, Our Sweet Boy

Doreen Fish avatar
By Doreen Fish
We adopted Ziggy 6 months after losing was so strange that their names were ...
(3 ratings)

In Memory Of Our Sweet , Gentle Diggy.

Doreen Fish avatar
By Doreen Fish
He will always remain in my heart as will any of my pets that have ...
(2 ratings)

Aroma Therapy And Herbal Medicine Part 7 (st Through Z)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Aroma therapy part 7
(3 ratings)

Aroma Therapy And Herbal Medicine Part 6 (p Through Sp)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
aroma therapy part 6
(2 ratings)

Aroma Therapy And Herbal Medicine Part 5 (m Through O)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Aroma therapy part 5
(2 ratings)

Tibby, Our Female Schnoodle

Kim Biegacki avatar
By Kim Biegacki
Well this is Tibby's introduction to Just a Pinch Recipe Club. She is our almost ...
(3 ratings)

Aroma Therapy And Herbal Medicine Part 4 (h Through L)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Aroma therapy and herbal medicine part 4
(2 ratings)

Poaching, Simmering, And Boiling

Star Pooley avatar
By Star Pooley
Do you really understand the difference between these words in a recipe? This will ...
(1 rating)

Aroma Therapy And Herbal Medicine Part 3 (d Through G)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Aroma therrapy and herbal medicine part 3.
(2 ratings)

Aroma Therapy And Herbal Medicine (c)

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Herbal healing and aroma therapy information. Part 2
(2 ratings)