dishwashing soap and rinse agent

Recipe by
Barbara Kavorkian
Two Harbors, MN

I was rambling through trying to find a homemade dishwashing soap (it being so expensive now) and rinse agent (really really expensive). I came across this recipe that I am going to be trying once I get one ingredient. I have started with using the vinegar today to try to get the water "film" off my glasses. Good way to save money as you could spend up around 8.00 for the soap and agent, when making yourself, only around 4.00!! And THAT is for 48 loads vs around 28 loads of the expensive stuff and one fill of the rinse. Even better... most of these ingredients are in the home made laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and other cleaning agents.

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yield 48 loads
prep time 10 Min

Ingredients For dishwashing soap and rinse agent

  • 1 c
    20 mule team borax
  • 1 c
    arm & hammer washing soda(not baking soda)
  • 1/2 c
    (1/4 to 1/2 cup) citric acid (double for hard water)
  • 1/2 c
    (1/4 to 1/2 cup) kosher salt
  • 32 oz container with lid for storage and mixing
  • 1/4 c
    vinegar or lemon juice

How To Make dishwashing soap and rinse agent

  • 1
    Into a 32 ounce container – add 1 cup of borax:
    Add 1 cup of washing soda:
    Add 1/2 cup of citric acid (double for hard water):
    Add 1/2 cup of kosher salt:
    Put the lid on and shake it up good. Use 1 Tbsp of detergent per load (you can use a heaping tablespoon if you feel the need).
    Fill “Rinse Aid” compartment with white vinegar(You can also add lemon juice as a rinse agent)
  • 2
    Tips to avoid clumping:
    This detergent will clump because of the citric acid. Here are a few ways to make it clump less.
    Add a tsp of rice to the detergent to help absorb moisture.
    After combining ingredients, leave mixture out and stir several times each day for a day or two.
    Add citric acid separately if you wish to each dishwasher load rather than adding it to the detergent. I think by shaking it would work best.

    If your dishwasher will accept blocks of detergent you can form blocks by using ice cube trays. Simply place desired amount of detergent into trays immediately after combining ingredients. Use 1 block for each load.
  • 3
    To find items:
    You can go to online for washing soda and borax.
    For Citric Acid, you can go to your local brewery or beer specialty store, or go online. You can also substitute this for LemiShine. I found this on Amazon at a very reasonable price for a 2 pack. You can choose to omit the citric acid, but it will leave a cloudy residue.