oven chicken

Recipe by
Rhonda E!
Juneau, AK

I wanted a Decorative Chicken for my oven door so I decided to just make one. I researched online many chickens stencils & cutouts until I found the image I wanted. I would frequently google chickens to see how the wing images looked and just kept looking at different images until I was able to construct a design of my own. I really like the Beak on this Chicken because the material is a piece of scrap from an ocean print of an ocean plant & the colors made a wonderful looking authentic beak. The red is from a flag print & was used for the combs on the chickens head & neck. Enjoy!

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yield 1 Oven Door
prep time 4 Hr
cook time 5 Hr
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For oven chicken

  • 1
    8 1/2 x 11 piece of blank typing/printer paper and a magic marker
  • 5
    shades of material for chicken color, wing color, beak, red for the chicken's comb, and cream for the backing
  • 1
    sheet of thin stiff felt (craft store purchase)
  • 4
    strong magnets like in the picture (ebay purchase)
  • 1
    goo goo eye (craft store purchase)
  • 1
    sewing machine & a glue gun

How To Make oven chicken

  • Computer Image From Googled Chicken Cutouts Traced onto Typing/Printer Paper
    On a desktop Computer Google Chicken cutouts and find an image you like and click on it and bring it to the screen. In settings change the size of the picture so it will fit inside the sheet of Typing paper when you lay it on the screen or the size you want to make. With a Magic Marker trace the image onto the Typing Paper like in the picture. Then cut out your image you now have a stencil to work with for your material.
  • Material & Felt used to make the Chicken Color and the Beak and the Type of Stiff Felt used in the center of the chicken.  Red Material is not shown or the different wing color
    Cut out the Color you want your chicken to be and the cream backing along with the stiff felt for the center of the chicken that you will be adhering the magnets to later.
    Set the Cream backing and felt aside.
    Sew the Chicken Color and make a nice hem using a straight stitch. Set aside.
  • Wing Trace I made myself of a wing for my Oven Chicken I had to make two sizes to accenuate the different colors when opening the wing
    You will have to make your own wing like I did and you will have to make two sizes if you want the wing to open like mine. Just make a smaller version of the larger one. Make it in proportion to size of the chicken.
    Use a different color/pattern for the inside of the wing. *And if you have a old pair of chic jeans around take the label off it and put it inside the wing.*
    Attach the hemmed wing to the Chicken Color you can add eggs to the inside of the wings also. Set Aside.
  • Scrap Material was used from an Ocean Print to make the Beak and Red from a flag used for the combs and I purchased the Goo Goo Eyes at a craft store.
    You might have to make your own beak also, and also the chicken comb. Just make sure you insert the beak and the combs inside the material layers of felt and the chicken color and hand-stitch together. *DO NOT EMBROIDER THE EDGES OF THE BEAK & COMBS OR THE FRONT OF THE CHICKEN* You must hand stitch the beak and combs with matching thread.
  • Magnets and Cream Backing used so it will adhere to the Oven Door.
    Now for the back: Glue four magnets to the felt on the backside. *Do not glue it to the Cream Backing at all* After glueing lay the cream backing on the magnets and pin together and then make an embroidery stitch around the entire chicken. *Note you will probably have to embroider the cream backing to the felt first. Then attach the front Chicken color to the backing. You will have to do a hidden hand stitch to bring the front and the back together to make a nice one piece chicken with nice threaded edges like in the pictures. This is because you don't want to embroider the front material of the chicken. Use only a straight stitch.
    Just leave an open area in the back to insert the magnet and hot glue then sew it up. So you can do the magnets two different ways.
    This little chicken hen is a lot work but sure nice to have.
  • 6
    Tip: If you like the design of my chicken you can trace the image right from the recipe picture on your desktop computer I just looked at it and it will work.
  • Oven Chicken attached to the oven door
    Attach the Oven Chicken to your Oven Door and it can stay there even when cooking or opening the door. Enjoy!