homemade wild bird feeders with seeds, nuts and dried fruits

Recipe by
Kim Campbell
Youngstown, OH

I have a deep love for wild birds and enjoy bird watching and feeding the birds too. These homemade wild bird feeders are great to make with children and to teach them about the birds; also, to appreciate nature and all it's beauty.
I have also made these for gifts and those individuals who lived in apartments with balcony's just love them!
There are so many stories you can share about birds and teach many different things.

These pictures are of my nephew Noah and I making bird feeders for home and to share with friends and family.

I hope you enjoy.

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yield 8 to 12 birdfeeders
prep time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For homemade wild bird feeders with seeds, nuts and dried fruits

  • 8 to 12
    assorted sizes of pine cones
  • 1 lg
    jar of peanut butter
  • several different types of wild bird seed
  • 1/2 c
    finely chopped apricots
  • 1/2 c
  • 1/2 c
    finely chopped prunes
  • 1/2 c
    finely chopped almonds or different type of nut
  • 1/2 c
    crushed whole grain crackers
  • 1
    pair of scissors
  • 1 md
    roll of string
  • 2
    butter knifes
  • 2 lg
    cookie trays
  • 1
    roll of paper towels
  • 6 md
  • 2 lg
    cookie pans or jelly roll pans

How To Make homemade wild bird feeders with seeds, nuts and dried fruits

  • 1
    Gather your pinecones first. (We found ours at are parents camp where there is alot of pine trees.) Then, decided if you just want bird seed or other items as well. If you add dried fruit to the bird feeders, you will need to cut them up with scissors into finely chopped pieces and place in bowls. Gather all your items and prepare a table or place outside to do make them.
  • 2
    Pour seed into the cookie pans and spread out evenly.
  • 3
    Next, cut your pieces of string to tie onto the pinecone. Carefully, tie it to the upper part of the pinecone and double knot it. Now use your knife to spread peanut butter onto the pinecones. (can be a little messy) :-)
  • 4
    If you want fruit on your pinecone place it on next.
  • 5
    Or if you just want seeds then roll your pinecone in the tray of seeds.
  • 6
    Now, you have a finished homemade bird feeder.
  • 7
    Here are all of our pinecone wild bird feeders.
  • 8
    Now, to decide where you will hang your feeders and hang them up for the birds to enjoy their yummy treats.
  • 9
    Our very first bird to eat from the feeder. It took a day and a half before they started to eat from them.
  • 10
    Another bird enjoying the pieces of fruit.