Other Non-Edible Recipes

Find and swap recipes for homemade household items, beauty products and more! You can't eat them, but you can still love 'em.

my camo christmas tree

Camo Christmas Tree 2012

Phyllis Mcdaniel avatar
By Phyllis Mcdaniel
i always liked camo, when i found this it just all started falling together, for ...
(2 ratings)
my house after dark, using throw away items

Christmas 2012

Phyllis Mcdaniel avatar
By Phyllis Mcdaniel
you know you have those things you just can't seem to throw away, well here's ...
(1 rating)
Painted Leaves

Painted Sycamore Tree Leaves For Decorating

Janet Scott avatar
By Janet Scott
During our fall season our sycamore tree sheds some giant leaves. This year I played with ...
(3 ratings)

Peppermint Rosemary Atheletes Foot Spray

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Here is a recipe for a terrific foot spray that not only soothes and refreshes ...
(1 rating)

My First Grand Child

Cheryl Pierce avatar
By Cheryl Pierce
(5 ratings)

Inside Where You Cannot See

Sandy Mika avatar
By Sandy Mika
I wanted to share a picture of the inside of my coffee pot to show ...
(1 rating)

Clean Water Cooler

Lisa G. Sweet Pantry Gal avatar
By Lisa G. Sweet Pantry Gal
I try to keep up on cleaning my water cooler. Recently i was tasting and ...
(1 rating)

Proper Cleaning Of A Kitchen,by Someone With Ocd.

Michelle 'FLAME' Kelley avatar
By Michelle 'FLAME' Kelley
ok this is a good way but not the only way to get and keep ...
(1 rating)

Keeping The Bathroom Clean

Michelle 'FLAME' Kelley avatar
By Michelle 'FLAME' Kelley
Ok guys here is the number one place your girl will go ewe if you ...
(2 ratings)
Andy Williams Christmas Album

Andy Williams Christmas Album

Ellen Gwaltney Bales avatar
By Ellen Gwaltney Bales
In my family, this music is a MUST HAVE on tree-trimming night. I mean, a ...
(1 rating)

Aroma Therapy Baths

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Adding essential oils to a bath makes the experience even more relaxing, or invigorating, than ...
(1 rating)

How To Make Fairies In A Jar

Tammy T avatar
By Tammy T
From the exstensive reserch I did after seeing your posts, I found that the diamond ...
(1 rating)

Aaadd Know The Symtoms

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Thank goodness there's a name for this disorder. Somehow I feel better,even though I have it!! Recently, ...
(3 ratings)

Soothing Waters Blend

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Got a hyper child or add or adhd child this can help sooth them. This can ...
(1 rating)

Oil Of Primrose Uses

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
THis is a very versitile Plant, the flowers and roots are used to create many ...
(1 rating)

My Candy Corn ...crochet Hat

Nancy J. Patrykus avatar
By Nancy J. Patrykus
I bought this hat at a Craft Fair.... 3 years ago.. Please...help.... Does any one have the pattern...??? Nancy...10/29/12 P.S. ...
(1 rating)

Antifungal/antibacterial Salve

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
(We use this for cuts, athlete's foot, diaper rash, infections, everything. You'll love this salve!) Note ...
(3 ratings)

Stretch Mark Cream

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Here's a cream for pregnant moms to use during pregnancy to help reduce/stop stretch marks. ...
(2 ratings)
a great copy cat for this salve

Healing Herbal Salve Made In A Crockette

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
A crockette is a small crock pot witch holds 4 cups or less. use the ...
(1 rating)

Say Goodbye To Pesky Fruit Flies

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Regain control of your kitchen without harmful chemicals
(2 ratings)

Herbal Cough Syrup From Your Spice Cabnet

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
Most herbal cabnets have everything you need to make you well. Here is a cough ...
(2 ratings)

Herbs For Household Pests

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
For those of you with little ones, who would prefer not to use harsh, toxic ...
(1 rating)

Mens Orange Sandlewood Aftershave Gel

Stormy Stewart avatar
By Stormy Stewart
This special blend, made just for men, soothes and tones the skin after shaving. Made ...
(1 rating)

Measuring & Heat Equivalents (sallye)

Sallye Bates avatar
By Sallye Bates
This chart might help some of us who struggle with conversions
(1 rating)