flower fixes

Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

As an re-starting out gardener
I found myself turning to Jerry Baker, America's most beloved and respected gardener and some of his freebies.

These were found in ad's for his books.

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method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For flower fixes


How To Make flower fixes

  • 1
    Fantastic Flowering Shrub Tonic

    1 tablespoon baby shampoo
    1 tablespoon hydrated lime
    1 tablespoon liquid iron

    Mix in a gallon of water. Pour elixir on your flowering plants
  • 2
    Beauty bath for Bulbs

    (Keep bugs at bay while they begin to grow)
    2 teaspoons baby shampoo
    1 teaspoon antiseptic mouth wash
    1/4 teaspoon instant tea granules
    2 gallons of water

    Mix in a bucket and carefully put your bulbs in the bath stir gently and remove the bulbs and plant.
  • 3
    Rose Revival tonic

    wash your newly purchased bare rooted rose bushes, roots and all, in a bucket filled with warm water and the following:
    1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid
    ¼ tablespoon liquid bleach

    Then before planting soak your bare root rosebushes in a clean bucket with 1 gallon warm water for about a half hour with the following:

    1 tablespoon clear corn syrup
    1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
    1 teaspoon ammonia

    Then plant as suggested in the rose bush.
  • 4
    Tired Rundown Roses

    Put 2 Tablespoon of Epsom salts around each rose bush and in a few weeks you will notice a huge difference.
  • 5
    Black Spot remover tonic

    15 tomato leaves
    2 small onions
    1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
    Chop the tomato leaves and onions into finely minced pieces and steep them in the rubbing alcohol over night. Paint the brew on both sides of the leaves of any affected rose leaves
  • 6
    Rose Aphid Antidote

    1 orange peel, coarsely chopped
    1 Tablespoon baby shampoo
    2 cups water
    in a blender blend on high for 15 seconds. Strain out the pulp using a coffee filter and pour into a hand-held mist sprayer. Get out your hose and spray with a high pressure nozzle to dislodge the aphids and then mist the plants, and its bye bye aphids
  • 7
    Powdery Mildew Control Tonic

    4 tablespoons baking soda
    2 tablespoons Murphy oil soap
    1 gallon warm water
    Mix together and put in a hand-held mist sprayer and
    spray heavily wherever you see telltale white spots
  • 8
    Mildew on annuals

    2 tablespoons baby shampoo
    1 tablespoon baking soda
    1 gallon warm water
    Mix together and Mist your plants lightly once a week