suet cake from oat pulp for sqiuirrels

Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

I have been making a lot of oat milk lately. In fact we have been going through 9 cups of milk a day. It is so refreshing. I hate throwing anything away, so I have been making things with the pulp. here is todays addition. I have also made bread, cookies, donuts, and

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yield 1 suet cake
prep time 5 Min
method Refrigerate/Freeze

Ingredients For suet cake from oat pulp for sqiuirrels

  • 3/4 c
    oat pulp (stiff with all milk strained away)
  • 1/4 c
    bacon grease
  • 1/4-1/3 c
    seeds (i used sesame seed and sunflower seeds)

How To Make suet cake from oat pulp for sqiuirrels