homemade flea and tick remedy

Recipe by
Kathleen Riemer
Kenosha, WI

There's not much worse than when your pets get stuck with flea's or ticks on them. Here is a homemade remedy to help get rid of the pesky bugs.

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Ingredients For homemade flea and tick remedy

  • 8 oz
    Apple cider vinegar
  • 4 oz
    Warm water
  • 1/2 tsp
  • 1/2 tsp
    Baking soda

How To Make homemade flea and tick remedy

  • 1
    Mix dry ingredients first then slowly add to wet as the vinegar and baking soda will react slightly. Put into spray bottle and spray pets down. Be careful not to get in pets eyes.

    Use Borax throughout the house, sprinkle it on the carpets and let sit for a few hours, then vacuum. This should kill all the fleas and ticks in your home and on your pets.

    * It is safe for any animal, apple cider vinegar has a shelf life of about 3-5 years so you'd be fine to store it for a long time, just keep it out of direct sunlight and it shouldn't spoil. As for application, if your pet if flea and tick free then once a week, or after every bath. If they're infested, spray every couple days until infestation is gone, then do maintenance spraying of once a week or after every bath.
  • 2
    Flea and Tick Shampoo

    1/4 Cup regular blue Dawn dish soap
    1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
    1/2 Cup Warm Water

    Mix all ingredients into a bottle and shake well. Apply on your pet and massage into skin. Be sure to get from the neck to the tip of the tail and paws. Massage soap into your pet’s coat for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly, and then rinse again to make sure you got all the mixture out. Once your pet’s coat is dry, use a fine tooth comb to comb through your animal’s to remove any dead fleas.

    Repeat treatment a time or two for really bad infestations.