stop ear infections!

(1 rating)
Recipe by
Cheryl Chavez
Smalltown, CO

I used to get ear infections all of the time! I mean ALL OF THE TIME.

Once, I went to the Dr for a bad cold and the Doctor was reading through my records (unusual, my husband was in the Navy, so it was a military clinic.)
Anyway, he says to me "It appears that you have a lot of ear infections." I said "Yes, I do" He asked if I showered or took a bath. I told him that I showered.
He said what I actually might be getting is something similar to swimmers ear. He said try this, if it works, great, if not, you aren't out more than a few pennies!
I tried it and the only times that I've had an ear infections is when I did not do it.
My youngest daughter started getting ear infections when she was 6 months old. The doctor was talking tubes. So, I tried it with her. The only time she got an ear infection after that was when she spent two weeks with her aunt.

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(1 rating)
yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 5 Min

Ingredients For stop ear infections!

  • 1
    cotton swab
  • rubbing alcohol (cheapest)

How To Make stop ear infections!

  • 1
    Dip the cotton swab into the alcohol. It needs to be sopping wet with alcohol.
  • 2
    Take the alcohol wet cotton swab and just press it against the side of ear canal(just at the edge of the opening) and let the alcohol drip into the ear canal. DO NOT STICK THE COTTON SWAB INSIDE THE EAR CANAL. . .just at the opening.
  • 3
    Repeat procedure into other ear.
  • 4
    Do this after every bath or swim. You or your child will never have another ear infection again!