peaches & cream bath salts

Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

These are so easy to make and usually up wards of $10 at a store if you bought them ready made. They make great gifts.

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yield 12 gift jars

Ingredients For peaches & cream bath salts

  • 2 (4lb) box
    epson salts (16 cups)
  • 6 c
    sea salt
  • 15
    drops peach f.o.
  • 15
    drops vanilla creme f.o.
  • 15
    drops orange food coloring
  • 12
    tall jelly jars with new lids
  • card stock for tags
  • decorations for jar
  • 1/2 tsp
    glycerin divided

How To Make peaches & cream bath salts

  • 1
    Wash, rinse and dry canning jars.

    Empty one carton Epsom Salts into large mixing bowl or batter bowl. Add 3 cups sea salt, stir well. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon glycerin and 6 to 8 drops essential oil. Mix well.

    In second large mixing bowl, empty one carton Epsom Salts, and add 3 cups sea salt. Stir well. Add 1/4 teaspoon glycerin, 6 to 8 drops essential oil, and food color. Stir until completely blended. Color should be even.

    Use a heavy-duty stand mixer to mix bath salts easily. Set mixer to lowest setting and mix until color is even--but don't try this with hand mixers or smaller stand mixers! If you don't have one put in a large jar and shake...shake.....shake.

    Holding canning jars at an angle, layer salts in jars, alternating white and colored mixtures.

    Cut gift tags and attach to jars. Tags may be trimmed and placed beneath canning jar rings, tied on with ribbon, or taped to gift jars.

    Tip: Decorative canning jar lids or antique canning jars make these salts
    collectible! Peach lids add a designer touch to your jars and can be found in the canning section of the supermarket.

    This recipe makes 12 12-ounce gift jars, plus a bonus of 3 to 4 cups extra bath salts for you to keep for yourself. Package them in small plastic zipper craft bags for easy use in your own baths!

    Makes 12 gift jars.
  • 2
    From this recipe you can make strawberries and cream, orange creamsicle, raspberries and cream. Or switch both and make strawberry banana, mocha latte, Butterscotch cupcake, freesia in spring rain, and monkey farts with mystical woods makes a wonderful blend.

Categories & Tags for PEACHES & CREAM Bath Salts: