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Beauty Product Recipes

Astringent (face)

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
After cleansing your face, use this natural astringent to remove any residue and shrink your ...
(4 ratings)

Lemon Toner (face)

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
Here is how you can make a toner at home. For quickly refreshing your skin.
(2 ratings)

Blackhead Mask

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
Use this mask every second day, it's great! You will no longer have blackheads and ...
(3 ratings)

Clay Mask Oily Skin Treatment

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
The clay is actually a dry powder. Simply mix with water or another liquid for ...
(2 ratings)

Honey And Egg Acne Mask

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
Homemade Acne Mask - Honey and Egg Acne Mask Go to homemade facials online...I have been ...
(2 ratings)

Acne Mask - Green Clay Acne Scar Mask

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
Orange juice is a fantastic alternative to water when making a mask as it is ...
(3 ratings)

Brewers Yeast And Lemon Facial Pack To Thighten & Cleanse Pores

JoSele Swopes avatar
By JoSele Swopes
This is a great Facial pack to cleanse and tighten your pores...I learned this while ...
(4 ratings)

Firming Honey Face Mask

Michelle Antonacci avatar
By Michelle Antonacci
This facial is one of a lot of great recipes you can find on I ...
(2 ratings)

Recipe For Nice Pretty Hands

Working in the kitchen like I do can really do a number on my hands. ...
(2 ratings)