Manx Broth

Manx Broth was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Found at for ZWT6. "I don't know how to make it, but I know when it is good" A.H. Laughton, former High Bailiff of Peel. The traditional dish served at a Manx wedding feast was broth which was eaten from wooden bowls knows as piggins and supped with mussel shells called sligs. The guests travelled to church on horseback and when the ceremony was over they would gallop as fast as they were able to the bride's house. The first person to reach the house tried to catch a slipper from the bride's foot, and small pieces of wedding cake were scattered over her head as she was going inside. All the friends and relatives brought something towrads the feast and there would be a lavish spread of fowls and cold meats to follow the broth. A barrel of ale was put on top of a hedge outside the house for people who were not at the wedding, and inside there would be pleanty of jough (ale) and wine...."

1 piece shin beef
marrow, bone
2 ounces pearl barley
diced vegetables, turnip, carrot, parsnip, leek, beans, cabbage, celery
1 sprig thyme
plenty water
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