caja china turkey recipe: holiday cooking with latin touch

Recipe by
Latin Touch
Miami, FL

Thinking about trying something different this Thanksgiving? Perhaps for Christmas or New Year’s Eve? Well you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to go step-by-step, and teach you how to roast the most delicious turkey you have ever had using a Caja China Roasting Box. Having prepared this turkey in our household, I can tell you it is a huge hit every time! Most everyone in our family call the box “La Caja Asadora” which translates from Spanish as “The Roasting Box.” Another popular term for similar boxes, “la caja china” translates as “the Chinese box.” While these pig roasters have many names, the rules for cooking tend to be the same whether you’re in California, South Florida, or Louisiana (where they call it a Cajun Microwave.) Now, on to the reason you clicked on this article in the first place. I present to you, Caja China Style Roast Turkey! Checkout the recipe here

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yield 10 persons
prep time 1 Hr
cook time 4 Hr

Ingredients For caja china turkey recipe: holiday cooking with latin touch

  • 1 lg

How To Make caja china turkey recipe: holiday cooking with latin touch

  • 1
    Place the turkey on top of the rack, breast down if cooking whole, or skin down if cooking split. Attach top rack using the 4 S-Hooks.
  • 2
    Place turkey inside the caja china roaster, skin or breast down, (attach probe from wired thermometer or insert meat thermometer here should you have one).
  • 3
    Cover your La Caja China style Roasting Box with the ash pan and charcoal grid.
  • 4
    Add 15 lbs. of charcoal and light up.
  • 5
    Once lit (20-25 minutes) spread the charcoal evenly over the charcoal grid of your caja china box.
  • 6
    Cooking time starts now.
  • 7
    After one hour, open the box by removing the complete set of ash pan and grid together and place it on top of the long handles.
  • 8
    Now flip the turkey(s) over, skin or breast side up.
  • 9
    After one hour (2nd hour) add 10 lbs. of charcoal.
  • 10
    After one hour (3rd hour) add 10 lbs. of charcoal.
  • 11
    Do not add any more charcoal; continue cooking the turkey until you reach the desired temperature reading on the thermometer of 175 f. Should you not have a thermometer, check the turkey after approximately 30 minutes. Cook until desired tenderness.
  • 12
    Carve and enjoy with those you love most! (Added that last one myself.)

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