redneck turtle burgers

Recipe by
Terrie Hoelscher
Harpers Ferry, WV

This is NOT my original recipe, and these are NOT my photos. I have no claim on this, other than to say that I received it in an email from my father-in-law, and thought it was cute as all get-out, and wanted to share. I don't even know to whom the credit for the recipe should be given ... whoever you are, it's adorable! And thank you, Father-In-Law Vince, for the email! :o)
Thought it'd be a cute idea for you to try, if you're grilling for 4th of July this weekend. ha! Good luck!

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yield 4 serving(s)
prep time 30 Min
cook time 35 Min

Ingredients For redneck turtle burgers

  • 1 lb
    lean ground beef
  • 12
    all-beef wieners, each divided in-half (total of 24 halves)
  • 4 slice
    sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1 lb
  • aluminum foil
  • 4
    hamburger buns
  • condiments for burgers

How To Make redneck turtle burgers

  • 1
    Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
  • 2
    Make four good-sized hamburger patties, nice and round and thick. Top w/ single slice of sharp cheddar cheese (this is optional, if you don't want cheese).
  • 3
    Wrap each beef pattie in bacon strips, making a basket weave as you go. Cover entire pattie.
  • 4
    Next, take the hot dog halves and make turtles' legs, head and tail. Cut the one for the tail at a diagonal on the end, so the tail looks "pointed". In the legs, put a few tiny 'slits' in the ends, so they will look like feet w/ claws after they bake.
  • 5
    Line a baking sheet (with sides on it!) with foil, and place a baking rack over the foil. Arrange your "turtles" on the baking rack.
  • 6
    Cook for 30 - 40 mins., in your pre-heated oven.
    A little crispy, not too crunchy ... just the way a turtle ought to be, right?