vegetable lasagna

Recipe by
Sue Faccone
Red Bluff, CA

This recipe is not for the faint of heart. It takes quite a bit of prep time, however, it is so worth it. For sure the best vegetable lasagna ever. I usually make this for holidays, but also, I make it and freeze it in small containers for a quick meal.

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yield serving(s)
prep time 1 Hr 30 Min
cook time 1 Hr 30 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For vegetable lasagna

  • 2 box
    lasagna noodles
  • 24 oz
    ricotta cheese
  • 2 jar
    progresso roasted garlic white sauce
  • 2
    yellow squash
  • 1
    large or 2 small zucchini
  • 1 bag
    baby spinach
  • 3
    peppers, tri color
  • 2 pkg
  • 1 md
  • 2 lb
    mozzarella cheese
  • 1 bottle
    olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp
    salt and pepper
  • 2 Tbsp
    garlic powder
  • 2 Tbsp
    oregano, dried
  • 2 Tbsp
    parsley flakes
  • 1 tsp
  • 1/2 c
    parmasan cheese
  • 1
    aluminum lasagna pan

How To Make vegetable lasagna

  • 1
    Preheat the oven at 350 deg.
  • 2
    I normally cut up everything and put it in to bowls first. So, If you have a food processer use the slicing tool if not cut by hand the zucchini and summer squash, peel the skin off with a potato skinner and slice thin, like 4th of an inch. Once done put aside
  • 3
    Core the peppers and wash out the seeds, slice into thin slices, put aside
  • 4
    Slice the mushrooms and put aside
    Dice the onion and put aside.
  • 5
    Put a large pot of water up to boil. Add a little oil, like 1 tbs and a tsp of salt also. Cover and bring to a boil.
    While you wait for the water, put the rigotta cheese in a large bowl and add about 1/2 cup of the sauce and mix well.
    Get a bowl of cold water and put it next to the stove, you need enough water to cover the noodle when you remove them from the boiling water. I do it this way because the noodle are only going to be par boiled. That means we take them out of the water before they get soft. So, if they go into a boil with out the water they stick together and take a form and we don't want that, we want them to lie straight out.
  • 6
    Once the water is boiling put in around 6 noodles, do not force them into the water, just stick them in the pot and it will take care of itself. Let them boil, check them every few minutes to see if they bend and are kind of limp.
    Once they bend easy, take them out one by one, be careful not to rip them (this may take a little practice that is why I say get 2 boxes)
  • 7
    Take the pan you will be using and take about 1/2 cup of the sauce and spread it over the bottom of the pan.
  • 8
    Remove the noodles one by one and put into the cold water. Once you have all of the noodles out, take one and put it over the layer of sauce. Put them in one by one until the entire bottom is covered. (I don't do anything fancy usually just over lap the pieces about a 1/4 in and put them in rows).
  • 9
    Now the bottom is covered with the noodles. In a large skillet, put a tsp of olive oil and heat the pan on high, add the mushrooms and onions and saute' until mushrooms are soft and golden brown and onions are soft and shiney. Season with the following, garlic powder 1/4 tsp, 1/4 tsp salt and pepper, 1/4 tsp of oragano, pinch of basal, pinch of parley. I will call this the spice mix for the remainder of the recipe. Once done remove and put aside
  • 10
    In the same skillet, put more oil, heat the pan on high, add the peppers, and the spice mix and saute' until the peppers are soft and limp. Once done put aside
    In the same skillet, add the oil , heat the pan on high and add the zucchini and spice mix and saute' until soft. Once done remove and put aside
    In the same skillet, add the oil again, heat on high, add the summer squash and the spice mix and saute' until soft. Once done remove and put aside.
  • 11
    If you have bought the kind of mozzarella cheese that has to be slice or shredded, do that now.
  • 12
    Now, everything should be cooked (except the noodles) and we are ready to start layering.
    On top of the noodles in the pan, take a large spoon and put a layer of rigotta cheese mix down, cover all the noodles.
    ON top of that add a layer of mushrooms and onions
    On top of that add a layer of baby spinach. You can be pretty generous with the spinach as it cooks down.
    On top of the spinach add a layer of mozzarella cheese
  • 13
    Now we go back to the boiling water and put in 6 more noodles and par boil them like before.
    Once done add them to the bowl of cold water and put in 6 more. While those are boiling, take the ones in the cold water and start layering them into the pan, only this time we layer them in the other direction. If you started your first layer across the length of the pan then now you put them at the width of the pan.
  • 14
    Once the layer of noodle are in place, put another layer of ricotta cheese down. Then the rest of the onions and mushrooms. Now add a layer of zucchini and then a layer of mozzarella cheese.
  • 15
    Make another layer of noodles, in the direction of the ones at the bottom.
  • 16
    Once the layer is done add a layer of ricotta cheese. Then a layer of summer squash, then a layer of baby spinach, and then a layer of mozzarella cheese.
  • 17
    Now add your final layer of noodles. ONce done, take the rest of the sauce in the jar and poor it over the lasagna, make sure it goes down the sides, and that it is spread out evenly, add a layer of mozzarella cheese and a layer of the colorful peppers. And now it is prepared to go into the oven.
  • 18
    Cover the lasagna with aluminum foil and place in the oven on a cookie sheet.
    Cook for one hour.
    In one hour, remove the aluminum foil and cook for 1/2 hour more until all the cheese is melted and the edges are a little crispy.
    Remove the lasagna from the oven, be careful it is pretty heavy. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Let it set 20 minute or so then serve.