pizza rolls

Recipe by
Suzanne Sanford
Etters, PA

I am not really sure what the prep time is, there is two stages to makeing this. My family and friends eat these as a meal by them self. You can adjust the reciepe as you would like. I make mine plane to please everyone.

prep time 1 Hr
cook time 5 Min
method Deep Fry

Ingredients For pizza rolls

  • one lb
    ground beef
  • one pkg
    egg roll wrappers
  • one jar
    pizza sauce
  • one lb
    mozzarella cheese shredded
  • some Tbsp
    flour in a small bowl
  • some Tbsp
  • one
    cookie sheet
  • wax paper
  • oil for frying.

How To Make pizza rolls

  • 1
    brown the meat and drain. place the meat the pizza sauce and cheese in a large mixing bowl and stir together. cover and place in fridge for a least an hour.
  • 2
    make a paste out of the flour and water. place your eggroll wrapper in front of you so it looks like a diamond. place a spoonfull of the mixture in the center of the wrapper and bring the bottom point up to start rolling it. you want to take the back of a spoon in the paste and run it on the three open points. take the side points and fold in on the wrapper and than roll the wrapper to the other point. you are folding them like a envelope. place on wax paper on cookie sheet. (after making them i place in freezer the ones i am not going to cook to freeze. I then take them out and place in a freezer bag and they do not stick together.)
  • 3
    if you have a deep fryer you can cook them in that till golden brown. drain on paper towels and enjoy. if you cook on the stove place oil in a skillet and gently place them one at a time in the hot oil. I use two forks to turn them as they rip easly. cook until golden brown and drain on paper towels and enjoy.