collards and cabbage (awesome)

Recipe by
Jewel Hall
Cullman, AL

I have eaten Collards and Cabbage all my life having been raised on a farm. We have a friend who grows wonderful greens and he will sweetly gather and bring them to me. "Thank You Ray Brown !"One of my sisters hates Turnip Greens and didn't think she would like this recipe. However, she took a bite, loved it, and went back for a second serving. I am planning to cook this dish today. Wonderful with Creamed Potatoes, Black Eyed Peas, Pork Chops,Corn Bread, Onion, and Sweet Southern Tea. Make sure you cut the collards as I have instructed, very easy to do. Prepackaged in produce is already cut.

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yield 8 -10
prep time 30 Min
cook time 30 Min

Ingredients For collards and cabbage (awesome)

  • 2 Tbsp
    canola oil
  • 6 oz
    slab bacon, cut into 1" slices
  • 1 lg
    yellow onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 c
    chicken stock
  • 2 lb
    fresh collards, de stemed and rolled up liked a cigar. use cutting board and cut across into one inch strips.
  • 1 md
    cabbage head, cored and roughly chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • red pepper flakes to taste

How To Make collards and cabbage (awesome)

  • 1
    Rough cut onion and set aside.
    Core Cabbage, rough cut it and set aside.
    Place collard leaves on the cutting board, wrong side up. With your big chef knife, strip out the stems and discard. Roll the destemed leaves up like a cigar, cut across and into one inch strips. set aside in a big bowl with cabbage.
  • 2
    Heat the oil in a 6 qt sauce pan (that has a lid) on medium heat. Cut bacon into one inch strips and drop into hot oil. Cook and stir bacon until the fat renders, about 6 minutes. Add onion and cook stirring until soft.
  • 3
    Add chicken stock over onion and let it come to a boil. Put cabbage and collards in pot with the chicken stock. They will cook down. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and red peppper flakes over cabbage and collards to taste. Don't over do it because the collards and cabbage will cook way down.
  • 4
    Place lid on pot and turn temperature down to simmer. Use long tongs and lift the cabbage and collards to mix them as they wilt down.
    Do this several times as they are simmering. After 25 minutes, remove the lid and allow any extra liquid to cook down. ENJOY !!